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What Autumn Means For You and The Ridge

October 18, 2017

What Autumn Means For You and The Ridge

Autumn is coming in, slowly but surely. Whether we like it or not, the world is changing around us in unhurried hues and cold winds.

For some, that doesn’t mean much more than a trip into the attic to break out the holiday decorations.

But, for the rest of us, autumn marks a special break in the year - a break from the breaks.

During the summertime, we tend to take a lot of breaks from the ever high-reaching goals we set for ourselves, and the headaches that often come with them. Summer is the time for vacations - for beer, baseball, and beaches.

Now, the cold fronts are rolling in, nature is shedding its green, and the thoughts of vacation slowly leave our minds.

This means change.

And not just seasonal changes, either - this is one of the most positively reinforced times of the year to buckle down and focus on the personal things you want to achieve most in life.

You don’t need a new year to roll around just so you can set some sort of vague resolution for yourself. Autumn is change, more so than the beginning of January ever will be. Because, we aren’t planning ahead for our summer cruises, or family vacations, or week-long music festivals.The distractions are gone. Family isn’t visiting. The weather is overcast, and - whatever it is for you - it’s time to get it done.

Here at Ridge, we use the autumn roll-in as a time to refocus on the things that matter most to us:

  1. Creating more headspace for a cluttered world.
  2. Redefining the everyday carry.
  3. Never becoming complacent in our aspirations.

So, while this is a time of year that enables us to clearly focus on our own goals, it also serves as a reminder for us: We have the opportunity to change as easily as the colors of the leaves.

We’re working on creating better wallets, different products, and easier solutions to our everyday problems. We’re embracing change, because nothing good comes from staying stagnant.

You should, too. Don’t feel stuck. Don’t get complacent. Reach for your goals. Use the changing world around you.

Make it count.