If there’s ever a time to grow a beard so massive that it acts like a permanent scarf, it’s winter time. Temperatures drop below freezing in the northern states, and the southern ones are too used to the heat that even 40 degree weather sends them back inside to triple-layer.
Beards solve that problem for all men across the world, though. This isn’t just conjecture, either - it’s beard science. A 2012 study conducted in China found that beards caused an average increase of skin temperature of 1 degree. If you think that may not sound like much, go ahead and shave your beard this winter and get back to us on that.
But, there’s a catch. Gentlemen can’t go around town with a beard looking like they forgot to take their sasquatch mask off from Halloween. Don’t mistake us, we’re all about the mountain man look and all - but you’ve got to balance out the warmth-providing properties of a thick beard with proper grooming habits.
Here’s an easy, simple guide to keeping your beard clean, trimmed, and warm this winter.
Comb or brush: to detangle (if you get a brush, we recommend ox-hair)
Clippers: for trimming with control
Scissors: for strays
Beard oil: to keep it soft and healthy
Want to know the secret to maintaining a really sharp beard? Do these things on a weekly basis. A beard can grow out of control fast, and by keeping it trimmed every Sunday or so, you’ll avoid looking like Tom Hanks from Cast Away.
Want to really up your winter game?
Check out our guide to your winter everyday carry.